VAAM Young Scientist Network
Introducing young scientists
This symposium, organized by the recently established “VAAM Young scientist network”, enables young scientists to introduce themselves and their research to the VAAM community. The network invites both young and especially also senior researchers to attend to introductory talks and engage in a discussion on the challenges that young scientists face in today’s research environment.
Monday, 12:30-14:00, Lecture hall 6 | VZ-Saal 1

VAAMentoring and Funding Opportunities
Monday, 15:30-17:00, Lecture hall 6 | VZ-Saal 1

Universities of Applied Sciences – Workshop
Universities of Applied Sciences (HAWs) are a special type of university in Germany. This workshop will present current, exciting work that clearly demonstrates the special character of HAW research: sophisticated, microbiological and/or biotechnological projects that have a clear application focus and are often carried out in direct cooperation with an application partner. Following the presentations, we will try to establish an initial research network of microbiologists at HAWs.
Tuesday, 9:30-11:00, Lecture hall 1 | HZO-30

Workshop basics of hand disinfection
Effective hand hygiene is an undisputed and essential part of infection prevention in the medical field. In production processes, personal hygiene is of great importance and hand hygiene is particularly important in critical production processes such as sterile production under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).
This workshop on the basics of hand disinfection focuses in particular on the importance of hands as a vector in the transmission of infectious agents or contamination in production processes. Various efficacy spectra (e.g. bactericidal, levurocidal, limited virucidal, virucidal, etc.) of hand disinfectants against relevant microorganisms and viral pathogens will be presented. The effectiveness of hand washing and hand disinfection as well as the various applications of hand hygiene in practice will be discussed.
The aim of this workshop is to give a brief insight into the essential aspects of effective hand hygiene and to work out the historical discovery of hand hygiene in a short case study in small groups.
Monday, 14:10-15:25, Lecture hall 6 | VZ-Saal 1

Industry meets Academia (IAP)
The Nagoya Protocol is a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity and provides a transparent legal framework for the effective implementation of fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources (GRs). The Nagoya Protocol sets out core obligations for its contracting parties to take measures related to access to GRs, benefit-sharing, and compliance. Currently under discussion is a decision adopted on the modalities of a voluntary multilateral benefit-sharing mechanism for the utilization of digital sequence information (DSI) on GRs at the last conference of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16). This VAAM Industry Academia Panel (IAP) will provide more insights into this important topic by clarifying fundamental terms and principles and discussing its impact from the perspectives of industry and academia.
Tuesday, 15:30-17:00, Lecture hall 6 | VZ-Saal 1