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Information for speaker & poster authors


Please keep in mind that you might not being registered automatically, although the registration of the presenting author is obligatory. 
The online registration can be found here
If you have already received a notification from our registration department, you no longer need to register.

Information for speaker

Technical guidelines
Please prepare your presentation in aspect ratio 16:9. PDF, PowerPoint and Open Office presentations are accepted. The use of different versions during the submission of presentations could lead to changes because of conversion problems. Please note that the corresponding CODEC for play-back of video sequences must be provided by you. Corresponding technical equipment will be provided on site.

Please bring your presentation file to the congress on a mobile storage medium, ideally on a USB drive.
There will be a central media check-in where you can upload the file into the system and test the presentation. The presentation will then be available on the computer in the lecture hall. The use of your own computer for your presentation is not necessary and not intended.

Please note: It is not possible to use your own laptop for starting your presentation in order to avoid technical problems. You need to submit your presentation at the media check-in.

Information for poster authors

Preparing your poster
The authors must prepare a classic paper poster. Paper posters must be made in English and in A0 format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm, portrait format, unlaminated). Please bring your printed poster and hang it up in the poster exhibition area on your own.
Mounting materials are provided on the poster board, which will be labeled with your programme ID.

We would also like to ask you to note the following schedule for hanging posters in the poster session:

  • Poster session 1, Monday 24 March, 14:00-16:30 → all odd Poster IDs
    Posters can be put up on Sunday (23 March 2025) between 15:00-19:00.
    Posters should be removed on Monday (24 March 2025) between 16:30-18:00.
    To Poster session 1
  • Poster session 2, Tuesday 25 March, 14:30-17:00 → all even Poster IDs
    Posters can be put up on Tuesday (25 March 2025) between 08:30-13:00.
    Posters should be removed by Wednesday (26 March 2025) 10:00.
    To Poster session 2

Please note: In Poster session 1, all posters with an odd poster ID at the end should be hung up. In Poster session 2 all even endings.
Example: The Poster with the ID P-AE-007 belongs in Session 1, the Poster with the ID P-AE-008 in Session 2.

Information for session chairs

We would like to kindly ask you to ensure that the time limit for the meeting is adhered to.